Atlas, Mathew, and Dave

It’s been almost 2 weeks since I have posted. And that just seems wrong… Anyways, here is a sketch.


With this drawing I was thinking about Atlas from Greek mythology and decided to go with a more mechanized version for holding up the sky. I threw in the little figure for a bit of scale, and I was just having fun with some of the more glyph type designs around the eyes.



As you can all probably tell by now I tend to like to doodle faces, a lot. So here are more faces.

I’m debating posting some of the work in progress on the animated projects I’m working on right now (Boards, WIP pieces, design documents) but I’m not sure if you would be into that, so let me know.

Also my friend Aaron has a new webcomic Mathew’s Wurld You should check it out, and tell your friends and all that jazz. If for some reason you haven’t read his previous comic Dave’s Wurld (It is already a complete story) just click “first page” when you go to the link.

Follow my art page on Facebook and Twitter

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