Tag Archives: magikarp

Gotta Catch Um All (Finale)

Hey Everybody!

Sorry for no post last Saturday, Kris and I were at Toronto Comicon. Thanks to everybody who swung by our booth and checked out our stuff. We had a great time and met a ton of cool people, but more on that later.

As you all know I’ve been slowly working through the original 151 Pokemon as daily doodles, and have finally come to the end. I want to say thanks to everyone who stuck around for the whole process and supported the pieces. So here it goes…

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Hope you enjoyed those!

Now for Comicon goodness.

photo 4 (4)

Above is a picture of our booth, look at how fancy it is. We had a great time meeting new and exciting folk and we will be at Fan Expo Toronto this summer (more information to come in the future) as well as some other cons.

photo 3 (4)

I did a bunch of Yoshi prints, because Yoshi is rad.

One thing I always like to do at conventions is check out the other artists work in artist alley, so when I get a chance to get away from the table I go out into the wilds and buy stuff.

photo 3 (5)photo 2 (3)

Lots of cool zines and comics this year as well as some postcards and an original sketch of Hellboy that is super cool. I also came across some really cool resin sculptures, which I will be painting up sometime in the future.

The convention was great but when I got home I immediately got sick, which I suppose is part of being around a ton of people. But the next day I received a cool package in the mail from one of my favourite artists Jake Parker.

photo 4 (3)

The two books are “Inktober” and his newest art book “Drawings II”. Both are amazing books that you should definitely check out.

Also last week I wrapped up on the show I`ve been working on for the last year, Daniel Tiger`s Neighborhood. It was a great experience and gave me the opportunity to learn and work with a lot of super amazing people. I start my next project next week but just wanted to take a second to let you know what I`ve been up to.


Thanks for everybody who stuck it through this long winded post. See you all next week!